The Leading Provider of Asset Protection Services for Dinarians
According to some of the best legal minds in our country, the best method of both asset management and asset protection is an irrevocable trust. Why is this a better way to really protect your dinars? Because you transfer ownership of your dinars to your trust and you own nothing that can be taken from you. You choose Trustees to oversee and protect the assets of the trust and best interests of the beneficiaries. You also appoint a Protector who watches out for your interests as the Settlors/creators of the trust. If a Trustee is doing something wrong, the protector and Settlors can remove that person and appoint another one. If the Settlors want to appoint a new protector, they have the power to do so.
Trusts Unlimited can take you even further with a package of irrevocable trusts that is designed to segregate your dinars from your other assets. This could be vitally important in the event of a catastrophic automobile accident or of an accident occurring at your home or rental property. These trusts are irrevocable, and are set up according to the law of the State of Wyoming, the state with the foremost asset protection and business protection laws in the country. It is important to remember that people die, but irrevocable trusts don’t. That means no probate proceeding and reduced or no estate taxes for your successor beneficiaries when you die. These trusts are meant to be generational and will last until some future generation of your successor beneficiaries may decide to end them.
The Trusts Unlimited trust package is the most comprehensive and competitively priced package of its kind in the marketplace today. For those who desire an even greater level of protection, Trusts Unlimited, through a joint venture with a prominent Offshore organization, can structure an even more secure and U.S. income tax compliant structure in a foreign jurisdiction which offers the best in asset protection, and, in certain instances, can offer the customer significant U.S. tax compliant structures to reduce and defer capital gain on the revaluation. It is recommended that these structures be created concurrent with or subsequent to the establishment of the Wyoming Trust.